Hello Reader !
"The Mind is Restless"
Chapter 6 Verse 34- Bhagavad Gita
In The Laws of Success, Napoleon Hill mentions that Self Control is crucial to possess
The Master Key to Success.
Self Control & Stillness are closely connected.
A Person who has mastered the key to Stillness of the mind and has complete Self-Control can truly determine the course of his or her destiny.
Let's Therefore Understand This Virtue of Self-Control & Stillness.
Let's Toughen our Nerves against all sort of chaos and noise.
Let's Force our mind to concentrate on our Definite Chief Aim in Life.
It's Stillness that permits you to think well, work well and be well, despite the world could be at war.
It's Stillness that permits no emotion to disturb you.
It's Stillness that stops all threats to interrupt you.
It's Stillness that aims the archer's arrow.
Stillness inspires new ideas.
Stillness sharpens perspective.
Stillness illuminates connections.
Stillness resists the passions of the mob.
Its Stillness that creates space for gratitude and wonder.
Stillness is the key that unleashes the genius.
Stillness In the Bhagavad Gita, is called 'Samatvam',
Meaning Evenness of Mind- A Peace that is ever the same.
Stillness Allows you to be steady while the world spins around you.
Stillness lets you act without frenzy.
Stillness let's you hear only what needs to be heard.
Its Stillness that is the highest good and is the key to elite performance and a happy life.
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Podcast Episode: Organized Planning - The 6th Step To Riches- Think & Grow Rich- Complete Audio of Chapter- Part 1 - HINDI
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Until Next Week
Think & Grow Rich Academy
Napoleon Hill Foundation- India
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