Hello Reader !
The Man of Decision Cannot be Stopped !
The Man of Indecision Cannot be Started !
Take Your Own Choice -
Napoleon Hill
Imagine This Situation
The Richest Man In The World- (Andrew Carnegie)
Asking A Pauper (Napoleon Hill)
To Go To Work for 20 Long Years (Without Pay!)
And Having Less Than A Minute To Take A Decision
(Andrew Carnegie Had A Stop Watch in his pocket, when he asked Napoleon Hill)
To Research On Arguably The Best Formula of Success
Think & Grow Rich
Wasn't That A Situation?
What Would You Have Done?
(Remember That at that time, Napoleon Hill Didn't Have The Money To Go Back Home,
after finishing the interview with the richest man in the world)
But One Decision!
One Decision by Napoleon Hill played a catalyst for creating More Millionaires
Than Any Other Success Formula in the World
Think & Grow Rich !
The 7th Step To Riches in Think & Grow Rich is Decision-Making-
The Mastery Over Procrastination !
Napoleon Hill after researching 500 of the most successful men came to the firm conclusion that
All Successful People Are
Decision Makers
Whereas All Failures Hardly Take Any Decisions,
And Even if they Take, They Keep on Changing !
Ask Yourself Who Are You Role Modelling in Decision Making ?
Successful People or Failures?
Tony Robbin's Perspective of Becoming A Committed Decision Maker
Tony Robbins Says That
"Its In The Moment of Decisions
That Your Destiny is Shaped."
According to him, The Top 3 Decisions that control Your destiny are :
i) Your Decisions What To Focus On
ii) Your Decisions about What Things Mean To You
iii) Your Decisions About What To Do To Create The Results You Desire
Ponder On This List By Tony Robbins.
Its Powerful!
The German Philosopher Goethe Summed Up So Beautifully,
"Are you in Earnest?
Seize this very minute,
What You can do
Or dream You can do, Begin it!
Boldness has Genius, Power and Magic in it
Only engage and then the Mind Grows Heated;
Begin and then the Work will be Completed.
I Did Not Have The Money !
I Did Not Have The Time !
I Did Not Have Rich Uncles in The States !
But One Decision To Get The Napoleon Hill Foundation to India..
One Decision...
Transformed My Life !
Start To Think & Grow Rich !
Because Your
Can Light- Speed Your Success.
Reply To this Email by typing,
I await YOUR reply
(Don't Procrastinate!)
This Week's Content on Social Media :
Podcast Episode: How One Decision To Change Paradigms Helped Pooja Desai To Achieve Permanent Weight Loss of 12 kgs in just 60 days. Listen & Get Inspired.
Instagram- What is Trust- Watch Reel on Instagram
LinkedIn- Power of Your Mind - Check The Post & Follow Me on LinkedIn
Facebook- Introduce yourself to 10000 plus members - Join our Group Here !
Telegram- Join The Fastest Growing Community of Super Achiever's Here !
You can also write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.
Thanks For Reading...
Until Next Week
Think & Grow Rich Academy
Napoleon Hill Foundation- India
P.S. Reply To This Email With Ideas On Which You Want To Get Inspired... I Definitely Read All My Emails
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