This common mistake is killing your goals—find out if you're guilty [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] !

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Hello Reader !

This common mistake is killing your goals—find out if you're guilty!

🌅 As I watch the beautiful sunset and embrace the twilight, a thought strikes me:
Why do some people consistently manifest their goals while others, equally smart and intelligent, struggle?

After coaching thousands in the Think & Grow Rich Mastermind on goal setting, I’ve uncovered a common blunder:
Their goals aren't aligned with their habits.

Let me Share My Example:
📚 On January 1st, 2024, I ambitiously set a goal to read 50 books within the year—doubling my count from last year.

But, setting the goal was just the beginning. I wanted to build a solid reading habit because I believe that all leaders are readers.
Each night, before I sleep, I read 50 pages. This simple, daily habit aligns with my broader goal.

As of today, May 17th, I’ve read 29 books, surpassing my halfway mark ahead of schedule!

💡 The moral of the story?
If there's a gap between your goals and your habits, your habits will invariably win.
Align them, and watch how effortlessly you can achieve your goals.
🎯 Set your goals.
🎯Set your habits.
🎯Bridge the gap.

I'm now confident I'll reach my 50-book target this year, all while staying in a flow state, doing what's necessary every day.

Question For You:

👀 What daily habit will you adopt to move closer to your goals?

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Meeting The Legend Gaur Gopal Das Ji

(This was 7 years ago)

Preparing Before my Nth Webinar as if its my 1st

Chilling Out At An Ice-cream Parlour-

Finishing Touches Are Everywhere.

Reading List for This Week-

1.Be Rich & Happy- Robert Kiyosaki

2. Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection- by Charles Duhigg

Important Learnings:

1.⁠ ⁠Be Rich & Happy - There are 4 Stages of Learning
i) Unconscious Incompetence
ii) Conscious Incompetence
iii) Conscious Competence
iv) Unconscious Competence (I will Prepare a Detailed Book Summary Soon)

2) Super Communicators- Charles Duhigg There are Three Kinds of Conversations. Only three:
i) Conversations About What’s This Really About?
ii) Conversations About How Do We Feel?
iii) Conversations About Who Are We?

Again a Gem From Charles Duhigg After His 1st Best-seller - The Power of Habits

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Until Next Week

Think & Grow Rich Academy

Napoleon Hill Foundation- India 🇮🇳

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