How to Trust Your Intuition to Achieve Your Goals? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

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Hello Reader !

๐Ÿ’ก At 4 PM on May 15th, 2016, amidst a hot and humid summer afternoon in Mumbai, I received an email.
It was from the Napoleon Hill Foundation, USA.
I had cleared Level 2 of my certification.
Now, it was time to decide whether to go to the USA for Level 3 and complete my certification.
Questions flooded my mind:
๐Ÿ“Should I pivot and change tracks of my profession at the age of 40?
๐Ÿ“What about my semi-comatose father who had been ill for the past three years?
๐Ÿ“Who will take care of my aging mother?
๐Ÿ“Who will support my better half in bringing up our two teenage boys?
๐ŸŒŸ I decided to search for the answer within me.
I decided to tap into the power of my intuition.
Against all odds, I took a bold decision.
I went to the USA, completed my certification, and obtained the license to coach on Think & Grow Rich principles in India.
And the rest is history !
Today, after building a multimillion-dollar ed-tech company with thousands of paid members in Think & Grow Rich, I truly believe that all the answers you seek lie within you.
โœจ This power that gives you all the answers is your intuition.
But how do you use your intuition to manifest your goals?
Intuition is a higher faculty that all human beings are gifted with.
However, most people either don't use this power or don't know how to use it. Many confuse their intuition with wild ideation.
After regularly practicing Vipassana for the last three years and attending two 10-day camps, I have realized that your intuition can communicate with you in a variety of ways.
It might speak to you as a hunch, a thought, or a voice telling you "yes," "no," "go for it," or "not yet."
Positive messages might come as:
๐Ÿ“A dizzy feeling
๐Ÿ“A sense of expansiveness in the chest
๐Ÿ“A feeling of relief
However, the most powerful indicator is a sense of greater clarity and a feeling of rightness about the answer or impulse.
It often comes with a feeling of passion and excitement, leaving you energized and enthusiastic.
All the ideas you need to complete any task, solve any problem, or achieve any goal are available inside you. ๐Ÿ’ช

Question For You:

Are you tapping into this valuable insight?
Are you using your intuition?

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Until Next Week

Think & Grow Rich Academy

Napoleon Hill Foundation- India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ

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