Hello Reader !
Napoleon Hill in his Classic Think & Grow Rich, mentioned that the Subconscious Mind best understands the language of feelings and emotions.
Most Left-Brainers, Experience, Smart and Ambitious People Like You And Me, Know This Fact.
But despite Knowing this, we tend to inundate our consciousness with all types of Negative Emotions.
And for very strange reasons, we are unable to break this bad habit.
If you are smart, experienced, ambitious and know this basic truth, but still unhappy about your results, read on:
The Seven Major Negative Emotions (You Need To Avoid)
1. The Emotion of Fear - Fear can Kill You Faster Than A Speeding Bullet ! Fear puts the body in a terrible vibration. Fear is the preamble to anxiety. If you are experiencing fear, understand this, you get rid of it by facing it. Face the thing you fear and fear will leave you.
2. The Emotion of Jealousy- Jealousy is being afraid of losing something that you don’t have. Now, let me repeat that, jealousy is being afraid of losing something that you haven’t got. That is a powerful concept. It is a sickness and it is an unnecessary sickness. Heal yourself, right now, say, “No more.”
3. The Emotion of Hatred- You will hear people say, “I hate her,” “I hate him,” “I hate this.” Such a dumb idea! When you get emotionally involved to express hatred, you move into that vibration. Who is experiencing the hatred? The person who holds it ! Now, you send that energy out into the universe, what can the universe send back? Exactly the same thing. This One Reason should be enough to Eliminate Hatred from your life
4. The Emotion of Revenge- I am going to share a powerful concept and if you read it again. If I am getting even with you, revenge, putting bad out – I am going to get it twice! I get it once from you because I accept it when I should have just let it go. And then I get it again because I send it out and the Universe sends it back. I don’t think you want to lose. Make up your mind that you are not going to seek revenge in anything.
5. The Emotion of Greed - Greed is a dumb idea, it is a direct violation of natural law. Understand that circulation is a law of the Universe. What you get, you send out again. You keep it circulating, you don’t have to hold onto anything. Greed is a dumb idea. Its cause is ignorance, its cause is a self-consciousness, a total insecurity in self. Understand, you are a powerful being. You have infinite resources at your disposal. You have got marvellous mental faculties that will give you everything you desire and all you have to do is ask. You don’t have to get and hold anything.
6. The Emotion of Superstition- You probably inherited. You will find it in your mother and your father, in your grandparents and your great- grandparents. It is silly. It is like black cats – don’t let a black cat walk in front of you. Don’t walk under a ladder. This is absolutely absurd! We have got to get rid of all these crazy thoughts of superstition. You see, superstition implies that you are letting cats and ladders, and God knows what else, control what is going to happen in your life. Say, “No more. Right now, I am taking control of me! No more am I going to be superstitious.” And the next time a superstitious thought surfaces, get rid of it. Laugh right out loud. He, he, he! This is nuts! And stop! Get rid of superstition, it is caused by ignorance.
7. The Emotion of Anger- Do you know anger is something that we generally suppress until it builds up and we explode. Anger is such a negative emotion. And when we suppress anger, it turns into depression. Do you often wonder what depression is? It is anger turned inward. Now, if you do feel anger, write it out and burn it. Don’t suppress it. If you are angry at someone, write it out and burn it. But the real trick is, don’t get angry. Listen To Audio Chapter of Serenity From As A Man Thinketh for 30 days.. and You Will be in complete control of yourself
Conquer These Seven Major Negative Emotions..
They Can Only Be Conquered By Understanding..
And Study is the Only Method of Gaining Understanding..
Perhaps, That's the Reason Bob Proctor Studied Think & Grow Rich for 60 years..
Perhaps, That's the Reason I am studying Think & Grow Rich for the last 6 years and I am going to study it for the rest of my life..
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Thanks For Reading...
Until Next Week
Think & Grow Rich Academy
Napoleon Hill Foundation- India
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