How I Learnt to Live an Extraordinary Life? [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

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Hello Reader !

I am really humbled and privileged to coach hundreds and thousands of people in the last 8 years of my coaching career.

I have interacted with people from varied backgrounds, cities, aspirations, and ambitions,

I have interacted with people who have lost everything and are about to end their life.

I have interacted with millionaires whom the world sees that they have accomplished everything in their life.

I have interacted with students who have their dreams, goals and a twinkle in their eyes.

I have interacted with start-ups in the race of becoming the next unicorn,

I have interacted with corporate CXO’s who are struggling to find the optimum work-life balance.

And after all these interactions I conclude that there are two elements to living an extraordinary life.

I give credit to my mentor Tony Robbins who taught me this.

I am using my example to explain this.

1. The Science of Achievement- As any body of Science explains, to achieve something is a system. If you follow certain principles, strategies and systems, You are bound to achieve Success.

The Science of Achievement has 3 Key Elements

a) Focus -

Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows. You Get What You Focus on. Your Reticular Activating System will start to create opportunities, situations and circumstances on what you focus on.

I Focused on Coaching Millions of People on Think & Grow Rich Principles & That’s what I Manifested in Record Time.

b) Actions -

Nothing is ever achieved without taking Actions. And Your Actions have to be Massive & Consistent.

I have taken massive and consistent actions since the last 2500 days and then I became an overnight success for the world.

c) Grace -

Grace is the Gift which you give yourself. Where you Acknowledge that there is a higher power working with you. And the more you acknowledge Grace, The More it starts to work for you.

I have realized that acknowledging the Infinite Intelligence, God, Super Power, Higher Force, Energy, One Source, or whatever you name you call with, is the shortest way to achieve your results

And Now the Most Important Step !

2. The Art of Fulfilment - The true essence and joy of living a life comes from getting the feeling of accomplishment and fulfilment at the end of the day. No amount of money, or results can replace this Feeling

The Art of Fulfilment has 2 Key Elements.

a) Growth-

We are Spiritual Beings having a Physical Presence. We can only feel Fulfilled, where there is progress, growth and improvement. Because Spirit is always for fuller expression and expansion.

I read about 50 books every year. I invest in about 10 training programs every year. Because, I have realized that if we are not growing in life, we are dying.

b) Giving-

We get the highest level of Fulfilment when we give. As Winston Churchill says,

You make a living by what you get,
But You make a life by what you give

Every Single Day since almost two years, I am doing Live Priming Sessions completely Free. All Are Welcome to attend. And I get the greatest sense of Fulfilment and accomplishment.

I am living an Extraordinary life by following all these simple steps.

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Memories of Me Getting The License for India from The Napoleon Hill Foundation - USA in 2016

Some Indulgence in Dark Chocolate Hazelnut !

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Think & Grow Rich Academy

Napoleon Hill Foundation- India 🇮🇳

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