Hello Reader !
This One thing I do.-
St. Paul
The Richest Man in the World- Steel Magnate Andrew Carnegie famously mentioned that
"The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in ONE basket
and then Watch that basket."
Gary Keller in his Best Seller The ONE Thing wrote :
"Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow You can make Your focus …
When you spread Yourself out, You end up spread thin"
The ONE prudence in life is concentration.
The ONE evil is dissipation
In our race to achieve more,
In our impatience to reach faster,
In our fears not to be pipped by competition,
In our conscious anxiety not to loose,
We are becoming slaves to this vicious habit of Multi-Tasking.
Check Yourself Right Now as You Are Reading My Weekly Newsletter.
How is your Concentration?
Where Else is Your Focus?
What Are Your Thoughts Upon At This Moment?
When People Preach About Living in the NOW,
Let It Not Be Some Lip Service.
Rather Practice it Now.
Not many things indifferently,
But ONE Thing supremely, is the demand of the hour.
If you scatter your efforts in this intense, concentrated age,
You cannot hope to succeed.
The difference between those who succeed and those who fail therefore does not consists in the amount of work done, but in the amount of intelligent focused work done.
Stop Working in a haphazard multi-tasking fashion.
Building with ONE hand only to tear it down with the other.
When You Focus on The ONE Thing,
You Can Grasp Circumstances and change them into opportunities.
You develop the faculty of turning honest defeats into telling victories.
You Stop being a shuttle-cock being thrown back and forth.
Focus on The One Thing.
Napoleon Hill calls it Your Definite Major Purpose in Life.
If we look for nothing in particular, we find just that and no more.
Remember, The Bee is not the only insect that visits the flower,
but it is the only ONE that carries honey away.
When You Know What is that ONE Thing That You Want in Life,
You Possess the Immense Power which radiates in your dress, your look, your voice.
You are living for a reason.
You are living with a purpose.
You carry yourself with an air of conscious self-respect and self-content
The weakest living creature by concentrating his powers on the ONE Thing, can accomplish something, whereas the strongest by dispersing his powers, may fail to accomplish anything.
The drop, by continually falling, bores its passage through the hardest rock.
Whereas the Hasty Torrent rushes over it with uproar and leaves no trace behind.
So Resolve To Thunder less, and lighten more!
Focus the rays of the sun in winter, and you can kindle a fire with ease.
Isn't Mother Nature Teaching us something in all these examples?
Its doing the ONE thing
The Giants have been men of concentration, who have struck sledgehammer blows in ONE place until they have accomplished their purpose.
Have ONE Master Idea.
ONE Unwavering Aim.
ONE Single and Intense Purpose.
Be A Complete Person
At Study.
At Work.
And In Play.
That's The Secret.
The ONE Thing.
Stop Being Jack-of-all-trades.
The Paradox:
Do So Much by Never Doing Too Much At A Time.
Because Multi-Tasking consumes your energy.
Exhausts Your Stamina.
And Your Plans will only remain plans and good intentions.
Don't be someone who was always just going to do something, but never did it.
Do The ONE Thing !
ONE unwavering Aim has ever characterised successful men.
Ordinary Men Accomplish Extraordinary things by doing ONE Thing At A Time.
Unwavering Pursuit of a Single Aim that Wins.
Become like the invisible point of a needle.
The Keen Razor's Edge.
In call great success, we can trace the power of concentration
ONE Unwavering aim.
Definiteness of Purpose is characteristic of all art.
Develop a Grand Central Purpose and subordinate everything else.
Don't Just Aim High.
But We Must Aim What We Would Hit !
A General Purpose is not good enough.
But Have A Definite Major Purpose.
Be Like A Needle.
Without being swayed by the dazzling sun, the beckoning meteor, the twinkling stars
A Needle That Points to the North Star of Hope.
That's How I Reached My North Star !
I am NOT a Business Coach.
I am NOT a Life Coach.
I am NOT a Motivational Speaker.
I am NOT a Mindset Trainer.
But I am A Master at ONE Thing.
Yes ! A Master Student on Think & Grow Rich Principles.
ONE Formula of Success That Has Made More Millionaires Than Any Other Success Formula in the World!
And That ONE Thing Has Made The Biggest Difference in My Runaway Success.
Ask Yourself About That ONE Thing !
Because You Can Be The King of Only
And Do Only
At A Time
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This Week's Content on Social Media :
Youtube : Watch My Video - How To Find Your One Thing in Your Life !
Podcast Episode: Imagination -The 5th Step to Riches - Think & Grow Rich- Complete Audio of Chapter in English
Instagram-Napoleon Hill's Formula of Conceive, Believe, Achieve- Watch Reel on Instagram
LinkedIn- Do you think it is actually important to lead an extraordinary life, or is being content with what life gives you a better choice?"
Facebook- Introduce yourself to 10000 plus members - Join our Group Here !
You can also write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.
Thanks For Reading...
Until Next Week
Think & Grow Rich Academy
Napoleon Hill Foundation- India
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