Hello Reader !
"Victory belongs to the most persevering"
Napoleon Bonaparte
In Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions that the 8th Step to Riches is Persistence.
Persistence is defined as the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
The basis of Persistence is the power of will.
"Every noble work is at first impossible-" Carlyle.
'If you work hard two weeks without selling a book, you will make a success of it',
wrote a publisher to an agent.
Know you work and do it, and work at it like a Hercules.
It's Persistence that built the pyramids in Egypt's plains.
It's Persistence that erected the Burj Khalifa in the middle of desert.
It's Persistence that constructed the gorgeous Jain Temples in Palitana, Gujarat.
It's Persistence that built the Great Wall of China, scaled the stormy, cloudy capped Alps, opened a highway through the watery wilderness of the Atlantic.
It's Persistence that has wrought David from the marble block.
Persistence has put in motion millions of wheels to make Henry Ford the richest man in the world.
It's Persistence that has tunnelled mountains and build Super-fast Expressways.
It's Persistence that has annihilated space with the lightning's speed.
The slow penny is surer than the quick dollar.
The slow trotter will out-travel the fleet racer.
It's aways the tortoise over the hare which crosses the chequered flag.
It's Persistence that wears and wins.
The all-day horse wins the race.
The last blow drives home the nail.
"I never did anything wrong doing by accident"
These are the words by Edison, who discovered 10000 ways which will not work.
And then Persistence Found That One Way To Invent The Light Bulb.
And The Whole World Changed.
Napoleon Hill mentions These Eight Factors To Take Your Persistence Inventory:
1) Definiteness of purpose
2) Desire
3) Self-Reliance
4) Definiteness of plans
5) Accurate knowledge
6) Cooperation
7) Willpower
8) Habit
Opposing circumstances create strength.
Opposition gives us greater power of resistance.
To overcome one barrier gives us greater ability to overcome the next.
Success owes more to Persistence than to natural powers, friends, talent or circumstances.
Talent is desirable but Persistence is more so.
Oprah Winfrey learned to read at the age of 3.
She added 5 new words to her vocabulary every day for several years.
And that Persistence Made her the Richest Afro-American Billionaire Ever !
Want of Consistency is the cause of many a failure.
Making the millionaire of today a beggar tomorrow.
There have never been a great triumph that is not the reward of Persistence.
Russel Conwell delivered his Acres of Diamonds lecture 6,152 times.
And What About Me?
I have delivered The Best Formula of Success
Think & Grow Rich
Thousands of time in the last 6 years.
And I am going to do this atleast a Million times more until I pass on..
Persistence is the Key To Success.
Oh ! The Glory of an Unconquerable Will !
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Youtube : What are the 12 Riches of Life ?
Podcast Episode: Success Story- Meghal Tolani From Podar Jumbo Kids- Bengaluru- Manifests Money in the Bank. Listen Here !
Instagram-Aim High in Life & Achieve What You Want to Achieve- Watch Reel on Instagram
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Thanks For Reading...
Until Next Week
Think & Grow Rich Academy
Napoleon Hill Foundation- India
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