🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️Do You Follow The Golden Rule OR The Rule of Gold? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Hello Reader !

"Do Unto Others

As You Would Have Them

Do Unto You"

Matthew 7:12

This is the Golden Rule.

The Rule that nearly everyone preaches but few people practice.


It's Lack of Understanding.

Most People interpret the Golden Rule as if its meaning is

Not to do unto others

as if they were the others,

but to do others and do them plenty

before others do them !

Read This Statement Once Again.

Did You Really Understand It?

And Yes... Are You Practicing It?

Perhaps Not !

Most So Called Intelligent, Smart People are Expedient.

(Being a Chartered Accountant, MBA, Ranker, Gold-Medalist, I know this !)

They Yield To The Temptation of Short Term Pleasures and Gains.

They Make the Mistake of choosing the circumstances under which they should apply the Golden Rule.

Big Mistake !

To Get Enduring Benefits of The Golden Rule,

It should be applied as a Matter of Habit.

All the Time !

Everytime !

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Covert Temporary Losses into Permanent Gains.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

open your mind for the guidance of Infinite Intelligence.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Develop Self-Reliance by building a better relationship.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Build a Sound Character.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Develop a more attractive personality.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Attract Friendly Co-operation of others.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Have Peace of Mind and Freedom.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Be Immune from all forms of fear.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Attract favourable opportunities.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Experience Being Passionate About Your Work.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Develop an Unwavering Belief and Self Confidence.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Eliminate Greed, Envy, Revenge & Jealousy.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Become The Master of Your Fate.

Apply The Golden Rule if you want to

Become The Captain of Your Soul.

Apply The Golden Rule

Because the


is more powerful than the Value of All The Gold in the Universe put together !

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This Week's Content on Social Media :

Youtube : How To Build Strong Habits & Start To Think & Grow Rich !

Podcast Episode: 7 Year Old Dream into Reality - Success, Highest Money, Secret How To Think & Grow Rich.



Instagram-Go For Recreation! Watch Reel on Instagram Here !

LinkedIn- What's Your Perspective of Truth in Your Life?

Facebook- Introduce yourself to 10000 plus members - Join our Group Here !

You can also write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

Thanks For Reading...

Until Next Week

Think & Grow Rich Academy

Napoleon Hill Foundation- India

P.S. Reply To This Email With Ideas On Which You Want To Get Inspired... I Definitely Read All My Emails

Think & Grow Rich Academy

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