Hello Reader !
Never Give Up on a Dream
Just Because of the Time it will take to Accomplish it
Time Will Pass Anyway-
Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale Was A Genius
When Bob Proctor asked Earl Nightingale
"Earl, How Do You Manage Time?"
He Replied, "What Are You Saying? Nobody Can Manage Time.
You Can Only Manage Activities!"
Think About It.
We all have 24 Hours.
Including Those Living Below the Poverty Line And The Richest Men in the World.
And What Does One Of The Richest Man in The World Have to Say
About the Relationship Between Your Time & Goals ?
Bill Gates said:
"Most People overestimate what they can do in one year
And Underestimate what they can do in ten years."
Now Read The Starting Quote By Earl Nightingale
And Analyze The Time You Are Devoting To Achieve Your Goals !
Napoleon Hill mentioned that The 16th Principle of Success is Budgeting Your Time.
Now, I am sure You all have done Traditional Time Management Programs.
We all Have Studied Methods How to Increase Productivity.
How To Become Effective.
And Picked Up Some Shiny Object, On-Line Program of Some New Time Management Hacks.
Having done all of this and much much more in the last 25 years,
I am going to give you a very different perspective of Time.
A perspective which is going to make You Free of all Stress, related to Time Constraints.
A perspective which is going to give You the Power to Create the Time Freedom for You.
Ponder Over Each & Every one of the 18 Perspectives. (Yes, All 18!)
Relate it to Your life.
And as You change Your Relationship with Time,
You Will Be Astonished How You Start To Create Massive Results in Your Life !
1) Time is the great Universal Doctor of human ills whose chief agent is the ether, the energy which connects everything with every other thing in the Universe.
2) Time is the great healer of wounds, both physical and mental
3) Time is the transformer of all causes into their appropriate effects
4) Time trades irrational youth for maturity of age and wisdom
5) Time transmutes the wound of the heart and the frustrations of our daily lives into courage, endurance and understanding
6) Time ripens the grain in the fields
7) Time ripens the fruit of the trees
8) Time gives hotheads a chance to cool off and become rational
9) Time helps us discover the great laws of nature, by the trial and error method and helps us profit by our mistakes of judgement
10) Time is our most precious possession, because we can be sure of no more than a single second of it on any given date or place
11) Time is the agent of mercy through which may repent of our sins and errors and gain useful knowledge therefrom
12) Time favours those who interpret natureβs laws correctly and who adapt them as guideposts to the correct habits of living
13) Time swings heavily with penalties for those who ignore or neglect her laws
14) Time is the master manipulator of the Universal Law of Cosmic Habit force-The fixer of all habits
15) Time is also the manipulator of the law of compensation- Everyone reaps that which he sows
16) Time does not always operate the law of compensation swiftly, but it does operate definitely
17) Time is the master manipulator of the great Law of Change which keeps all things and all people in a constant state of flux, and never allows them to remain the same for two minutes in succession
18) Time helps us to exchange our ignorance for wisdom and peace of mind as we grow older
Change Your Perspective about TIME !
Because You Have Only
To Live
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This Week's Content on Social Media :
Youtube : Watch My Video Where I Decode Stephen Covey's Time Management Quadrantβ
Podcast Episode: Hindi- Specialized Knowledge- The 4th Step To Riches- Think & Grow Rich- Complete Audio of Chapter in Hindi
Instagram-Never Make Excuses - Watch Reel on Instagramβ
LinkedIn- Is it really important to constantly be on the move, or is it okay to take a break sometimes and observe stillness?
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Facebook- Introduce yourself to 10000 plus members - Join our Group Here !β
Telegram- Join The Fastest Growing Community of Super Achiever's Here ! β
You can also write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.
Thanks For Reading...
Until Next Week
Think & Grow Rich Academy
Napoleon Hill Foundation- India
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