10 Virtues I Experienced in Vipassana-2023 [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] !

Hello Reader !

Last Week I embarked on this Journey of 10 Days Vipassana Course where I Learnt & Experienced the 10 Virtues (Paramis) as follows:

1. Renunciation
Learn To Renounce. No Attachment. You are Cut-Off From the World for 10 Days. Living Like a Monk. Food & Shelter is on Charity. Nothing to Call Mine. Dissolving Your Ego.

To Maintain complete Self-Discipline. Waking Up at 4.00 am.Breakfast at 6:30 am. Lunch at 11:00 am. Lemon Water at 5:00 pm. Lights Off at 9:30 pm. To Observe Noble Silence. Not To Speak.

3. Effort
10 Days You are Taking Efforts to Purify Your Mind. Becoming Aware of Every Moment. To Remain Equanimous. To Stop The Habit of Craving & Aversion. Massive Efforts.

You Experience Real Wisdom. Not Intellectual Wisdom from Reading Books. Or Watching Videos. But By self-observation. By Direct experience. The Wisdom of Every Moment being Impermanent.

5. Tolerance
You Develop the Virtue of Patience. Not getting disturbed or irritated by the actions of others. Focusing only on your Meditation. No Complaining. No Blaming. Just Being Tolerant.

6. Truthfulness
You experience the Real Truth. During Meditation, the feeling is yours to experience. There is no room for imagination. The Sensations on Your Body is the Truth. Nothing But Truth.

7. Strong Determination
You resolve to complete the entire 10 days of the course. You resolve to follow all the precepts. Not to move your hands or legs & Not to open your eyes for 60 minutes at a stretch.

8.Pure-Selfless Love
As Your mind gets purified, You Start to Generate Real Love & Compassion for everyone without any hidden agenda. This is real love. No Hatred. No Animosity. Only Love & Gratitude.

9. Generosity
On the 10th Day you get an opportunity to donate. To Give. So that others can benefit to get this gift of Vipassana. You Build this Virtue of Giving and Being Generous.

You Learn to Balance Your Mind. To Keep it Alert. Attentive. Peaceful and Equanimous. Every Moment is Impermanent. Without any Craving. Without Any Aversion.

Sharing My Daily Schedule for your Glance :

Do You Have The Courage To Embark on This Journey of Self-Discovery To End Your Miseries?

Do You Have The Courage To Embrace these 10 Virtues?

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One the pictures on the 10th Day of Vipassana when you are allowed to get back your Mobile

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Think & Grow Rich Academy

Napoleon Hill Foundation- India 🇮🇳

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